The season's over, we know you're sad
So find some comfort in this heating pad
For those of you who seek to find
A way to leave your aches behind
You'll feel that this will warm your hearts
And various other body parts
Just pop it in the microwave
A minute 30's all it takes
And soon your aches will disappear
So you can coach again next year!!!
And what great coaches gifts! Thanks Kaylyn for these cute warmers. And thanks Jenn for the fun poem that went with them.
Thanks Rachel and Jill for these great personalized footballs!
Coaches~ We can't thank you enough for all the time and effort you have put into this team! We couldn't ask for better men to lead and teach our boys! This team had a bond and class like no other! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Thanks to Christina Hardy for taping the games each week and the upcoming higlight video. This is such a keepsake for these boys! I don't think we can even count how many times they'll watch them and share them for years to come!
And thanks for these water bottles for the boys gals! They will love using them!
Boys~ Hold your heads up high and remember who you are. You are STRONG! You are POWERFUL! You are a CHAMPION! You are a FALCON!
Remember what your coaches have taught you! Their lessons and strategies can help you for the rest of your lives! And remember that YOU ARE BOUND AS A TEAM FOREVER! As Coach Rob said, STAND UP FOR ONE ANOTHER NO MATTER THE TIME OR PLACE!
Enjoy the off season and we'll see ya'll next year!
Very well said Brandy. :) The banquet was great. The gifts and thank you's were perfect. I know the boys have a very special place in their hearts for our coaches, and to see them display their affection for them was priceless. What an amazing year and amazing coaching staff/parents... and of course OUR AMAZING BOYS!!! Couldn't get any better.